PA Market Report: Overview (Apr 19 – Apr 23) & Upcoming Events Apr’21

Apr 19:
Australia is in no rush to reopen its international borders, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.
Apr 20:
US is very concerned about Russia’s plans to obstruct international naval and state vessels in areas of the Black Sea (USA)
Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting of the Reserve Bank Board (Australia)
Members commenced their discussion of international developments with a cross-country review of economic activity and developments in labour markets during the pandemic. A recurring theme was that Australia had fared relatively well in terms of output levels and labour market outcomes. The December quarter 2020 national accounts showed that GDP in Australia had recovered to close to pre-pandemic levels, whereas GDP was still considerably below pre-pandemic levels in many other countries.
US House Judiciary Committee passes bill opening OPEC to antitrust lawsuits over production cuts (USA)
U.S. House Judiciary committee passes bill that would open #OPEC to antitrust lawsuits over production cuts, but it is uncertain whether the legislation would be considered by the full chamber – RTRS
Apr 21:
Consumer Price Index, March 2021 (Canada)
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 2.2% on a year-over-year basis in March, up from a 1.1% gain in February. A significant proportion of this increase was attributable to a steep decline in prices in March 2020, as the monthly CPI rose 0.5% in March 2021.
Rumour doing the rounds that BoC may have maintained QE purchases (Canada)
Rumour doing the rounds that BoC may have maintained QE purchases.
Bank of Canada will hold current level of policy rate until inflation objective is sustainably achieved, adjusts quantitative easing program (Canada)
The Bank of Canada today held its target for the overnight rate at the effective lower bound of ¼ percent, with the Bank Rate at ½ percent and the deposit rate at ¼ percent. The Bank continues to provide extraordinary forward guidance on the path for the overnight rate, reinforced and supplemented by the Bank’s quantitative easing (QE) program.
Apr 22:
ECB’s Lagarde: Near term outlook is clouded; Covid continues to constrain activity in the near term (Euro Zone)
ECB’s Lagarde:
– Near term outlook is clouded
– Persistently high rates of Covid and associated containment measures continue to constrain activity in the near term
Biden to propose capital gains tax as high as 43.4% for wealthy (USA)
For New Yorkers, the combined state and federal capital gains rate could be as high as 52.22%. For Californians, it could be 56.7%. *BIDEN TO PROPOSE CAPITAL GAINS TAX AS HIGH AS 43.4% FOR WEALTHY
Apr 23:
Looser pandemic restrictions result in fastest UK private sector growth since late-2013 (UK)
April PMI® data compiled by IHS Markit and CIPS illustrated a strong revival in UK private sector output after the downturn seen at the start of 2021 during the full national lockdown. Moreover, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began, service activity growth outperformed manufacturing production.
Upcoming events:
Apr 26
German ifo Business Climate
Apr 27
- BOJ Outlook Report
- Monetary Policy Statement
- BOJ Press Conference
- CB Consumer Confidence
Apr 28
- BOC Gov Macklem Speaks
- CPI q/q
- Trimmed Mean CPI q/q
- OPEC-JMMC Meetings
- Core Retail Sales m/m
- Retail Sales m/m
- ECB President Lagarde Speaks
- Crude Oil Inventories
Apr 29
- FOMC Statement
- Federal Funds Rate
- FOMC Press Conference
- Advance GDP q/q
- Advance GDP Price Index q/q
- Unemployment Claims
- Pending Home Sales m/m
Apr 30
- Manufacturing PMI
- SNB Chairman Jordan Speaks
- German Prelim GDP q/q
- GDP m/m