If you know how to buy and sell currencies, then trading in the forex market can be exciting and profitable. If you’re interested in this, you may also wish to take it as a career. Forex Market Overview The forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. This signifies that jobs […]
Oct 26 US Consumer Confidence Increased in October (USA) The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® increased in October, following declines in the previous three months. The Index now stands at 113.8 (1985=100), up from 109.8 in September. The Present Situation Index—based on consumers’ assessment of current business and labor market conditions—rose to 147.4 from 144.3 […]
With more than $6 trillion in daily trade, Forex is the world’s largest financial trading market. Even though the market is known as the “gateway to success,” the majority of people do not succeed. The majority of traders that fail do so for the same reasons. Extreme market leverage, the use of borrowed cash to […]
Wed Oct 13, 2021 CPI m/m (USD) Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate; Core CPI m/m (USD) Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation […]
“Scared money don’t make money” is a popular term for the hip-hop community and for the people of the financial and investment sector. What could the inner-level meaning of this word be, as you might guess? Let’s not make things any more confusing. People who are hesitant to take chances in business, life, and the […]
Oct 4, 2021 OPEC Meetings (GLOBAL) OPEC nations represent around 40% of the world’s oil supply and are unified in their oil production levels. With so much control over oil’s supply-side, shifts in their production levels can have a significant impact on oil prices; OPEC-JMMC Meetings (GLOBAL) OPEC-JMMC meetings are attended by representatives from the […]
Minimizing losses and maximizing profits on the winning trades are the most important and basic forms of gaining success in Forex. If you are a beginner or have only been trading for a short time, you may have already had a couple of bad experiences. Always keep in mind that even the most successful forex […]